One Tourniquet is One Life
April 19 2022 - November
Many people are not familiar with what the tourniquets are.
This is the reason for the video, to explain what it is for , how to use it, and most importantly to spread awareness how important it is to get as many as possible to Ukraine.
The major benefit of the tourniquet is to stop the arterial bleeding. That is what saves many many lives.
Please share this information and the video below. It's important to remember that each tourniquet saves a life! A life of the brave soldier who is protecting his land, his country, and who is fighting for freedom! A freedom that many of us take for granted.
Thanks to everyone visiting our page, sharing information, and of course many thanks for donating to this project!
Our team at Save The Ukrainian Children would like to thank Michael Lilley who once again donated tourniquets. They will be forwarded to much needed areas in Ukraine.
Thank you Michael for your continued support!