Summer Camp for Ukrainian Children

We organized a trip to Boston Summer Camp “ Kenwood & Evergreen “ for kids who just moved to the USA from the Ukrainian war. We could get only 20 spots but 20 kids are better than none.

Children will be in the camp for 6 weeks.

During this time they will get huge stress relief, recover and relax after horrible war conditions, after life in the basements and subways. They listen to beautiful birds songs instead emergency sirens, they are learning how to smile and laugh again. Healthy food, swimming, walking, fresh air, different activities and games, good friends and professional psychologists will help these poor children to come back to normal life, to start to sleep deep and feel calm.

We know the first week was not smooth at all, because it’s period for adaption in new country and new place, with new people and even is air different for kids. But we passed :) All bad things are behind. Step by step they will get mentally and physically better.

We have some videos and pictures, look below please and we will keep you updated!

Arriving in Boston

Beautiful lady realized it’s Ukrainian kids in the airport and started to hug every child and wish the us the best! Very touching