We're thrilled to share the completion of a significant project! The dedicated team at Save The Ukrainian Children, in collaboration with Swindon Humanitarian Aid Partnership and Humanitarian Initiatives Organization, successfully delivered 11 much-needed wheelchairs to deserving recipients. Our commitment to assisting vulnerable populations is exemplified in this effort, specifically aimed at supporting disabled children.

A special mention goes to the charity 'Svitlyachki Blago' in Konstiantynivka, Donetsk Region. While working with the charity's founder, who sadly passed away during the project, her husband Artem Bozoyan continued her legacy, ensuring the successful distribution of the wheelchairs.

A heartfelt appreciation to Viktoriya Romanyuk. Her weeks of dedication included organizing, packing, loading, and overseeing the distribution of these vital resources. Thank you, Viktoriya, for your unwavering commitment to this essential cause!

As we move forward, we'll persist in our mission to provide assistance, and we welcome your continued support and suggestions. Thank you all for making this impactful project a reality!


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